Gerard gave me a web site!

Thank you so much Gerard for this gift. It fits pretty well with the kind of presence I wanted to have on the Web. I don’t expect very frequent updates but hopefully it will be useful. 🙂

5 Replies to “Gerard gave me a web site!”

  1. You are very welcome Rene.
    You offer much help to the community, this is the least I could do.
    I see you’ve made a good start with all the tabs and initial info!

  2. I wanted to thank you René for showing me your website from the MUSIC/SP group. It will further my mainframe education greatly.

  3. Hi,
    I like the site, but I am having difficulty downloading the file (Basic manuals in a ZIP archive.) from NOS 2.8.7 section. Is it still available or can I get it somewhere else?

    1. Hello Martin,

      The (667M) file is on Google Drive. You can’t previsualize it nor scan it for viruses (but there are none in it). So you need to tell Google Drive to download anyway. Just in case, I am sending it to you via WeTransfer.

      Rene FERLAND, Montreal

      P.S. — All the manuals you can also download from

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