In my rekindled interest in radio’s, I started orienting on equipment. I focused on Yeasu, Icom and Kenwood, among others. The Yeasu 991A in particular was attractive because it is an all-band / all mode device.
On the other hand, the Icom devices are also very good. Especially the display is faster and better looking. They also can produce more power:
- IC-7300 – produces
- HF and 50 MHz
- SSB/CW/RTTY/FM – 2~100Watt
- AM – 1~25 Watt
- 70 MHz
- SSB/CW/RTTY/FM – 2~50 Watt
- AM – 1~12,5 Watt
- HF and 50 MHz
- IC-9700 – produces
- 144 MHz band
- SSB/CW/RTTY/FM – 0,5~100 Watt
- AM – 0,125~25 Watt
- 430 MHz band
- SSB/CW/RTTY/FM/DV/DD – 0,5~75 Watt
- AM – 0,125~18,75 Watt
- 1200 MHz band
- SSB/CW/RTTY/FM/DV/DD – 0,1~10 Watt
- AM – 0,025~10 Watt
- 144 MHz band
The combination of these two icom sets cover all bands and then some: the satellite range in the 1.2 GHz band is covered as well. I ended up choosing and buying these two sets.
iCom 7300
The first one is this one, for the lower bands: the icom 7300:
iCom 9700
For 2 meter, 70 and 23 cm: the iCom 9700: