Last connections made (QSO’s)

Below you can see the last 15 QSO’s I made, as logged on A yellow star means the contact has been confirmed by the other station, a little grey circle means confirmation has been requested. Normally I ask for confirmation with each contact; absence of a yellow star or… Read the rest

FT8 data from the noise

It’s truly amazing what can be accomplished with digital modes like FT8… Noise Have a look at this waterfall, it looks like the 10 meter band is dead, it only shows a few very faint signals in the 10 meter band: Despite the weak signals, the FT8 program I use,… Read the rest

NanoVNA measuring antennas

Yesterday I received my NanoVNA (small Vector Network Analyzer). Among other things we can measure the return loss in antennas (or the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio or VSWR for short). Return loss or VSWR VSWR is the ratio between the energy that goes to into the transmission line TO the… Read the rest

Switches connected

I have made a little diagram showing how my antenna’s and rigs are connected. So I can switch my 2mtr/70cm antenna to three sets, and the HyEndFed for 10,20 and 40 mtr to two sets. Numbers in the arrows indicate switch settings. See below: Antennas, switches and sets… Read the rest

Antenna switches

Yesterday I ordered some antenna switches (from HAMshop, where else?) and today they came in. One is for HF and the other for VHF/UHF and higher. See pictures below. Also, I have a question for fellow HAM’s, please have a look at the bottom of this post. HF switch (PL… Read the rest

Origin of radio numeric codes

Searching for the origin of the ‘73’ code at the end of a message, meaning something like ‘kind regards’, I found the following. Glen Zook, K9STH, posted this to the Heathkit mailing list: Many amateurs already know that “73” is from what is known as the “Phillips Code”, a series… Read the rest